- mldr::birdsbirds
- mldr::emotionsemotions
- mldr::genbasegenbase
- mldr.datasets::birdsDataset with sounds produced by birds and the species they belong to
- mldr.datasets::cal500Dataset with music data along with labels for emotions, instruments, genres, etc.
- mldr.datasets::emotionsDataset with features extracted from music tracks and the emotions they produce
- mldr.datasets::flagsDataset with features correspoinding to world flags
- mldr.datasets::genbaseDataset with genes data and their functional expression
- mldr.datasets::langlogDataset with data from the Language forum discussion
- mldr.datasets::medicalDataset generated from medical reports
- mldr.datasets::ng20Dataset with news messages and the news groups they belong to
- mldr.datasets::slashdotDataset generated from slashdot.org site entries
- mldr.datasets::stackex_chessDataset from the Stack Exchange's chess forum